Birthday - Katy Perry

Birthday - Katy Perry
Katy Perry


Letra de la canción Birthday - Katy Perry, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Birthday esta publicada en la categoria Katy Perry donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Birthday - Katy Perry
Letra de Birthday - Katy Perry
I heard you're feeling nothing's going right 
Why don't you let me stop by? 
The clock is ticking, running out of time 
So we should party all night 

So cover your eyes 
I have a surprise 
I hope you got a healthy appetite 
If you wanna dance 
If you want it all 
You know that I'm the girl that you should call 

But when you're with me, I'll give you a taste 
Make it like your birthday every day 
I know you like it sweet so you can have your cake 
Give you something good to celebrate 

So make, a wish 
I'll make it like your birthday every day 
I'll be, your gift 
Give you something good to celebrate 

Pop your confetti, we can get it on 
So hot and heavy till dawn 
I got you spinning like a, disco ball 
I'll have them playing, your song 

We're living the life 
We're doing it right 
You're never gonna be unsatisfied 
If you wanna dance 
If you want it all 
You know I'm the girl that you should call 

But when you're with me, I'll give you a taste 
Make it like your birthday every day 
I know you like it sweet so you can have your cake 
Give you something good to celebrate 

So make, a wish 
I'll make it like your birthday every day 
I'll be, your gift 
Give you something good to celebrate 

Happy birthday... 

So let me get you in your birthday suit 
It's time to bring out the big bottles 
So let me get you in your birthday suit 
It's time to bring out the big, big, 
big, big, big, big bottles 

But when you're with me, I'll give you a taste 
Make it like your birthday every day 
I know you like it sweet so you can have your cake 
Give you something good to celebrate 

But when you're with me, I'll give you a taste 
Make it like your birthday every day 
I know you like it sweet so you can have your cake 
Give you something good to celebrate 

So make, a wish 
I'll make it like your birthday every day 
I'll be, your gift 
Give you something good to celebrate 

Happy birthday...
La letra de la canción Birthday - Katy Perry es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Katy Perry.
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