International Smile - Katy Perry

International Smile - Katy Perry
Katy Perry

International Smile

Letra de la canción International Smile - Katy Perry, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción International Smile esta publicada en la categoria Katy Perry donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
International Smile - Katy Perry
Letra de International Smile - Katy Perry
Fire was in her hair, she don't care 
Peach pink lips, yeah, everybody stares 
You think you've seen her in a magazine 
It's like she walked right out of your dreams 
Black Ray-Bans, you know she's with the band 
Passport stamps, she's cosmopolitan 
Yeah, she runs a place at Penny Lane 
Yeah you lucky if you're on her plane 

From Tokyo, to Mexico, to Rio 

That girl’s a trip, a one-way ticket 
Takes you miles high, so high, 
Cause she’s got that one international smile 
Catch her if you can 
Yeah, she's so in demand 
Takes you miles high, so high, 
Cause she’s got that one international smile 

She's got that, je ne sais quoi, you know it 
So très chic, yeah, she's a classic 
But she's pole dancing, so fancy free 
Yeah, she dances to a O.B 
Cause she's the muse and the artist 
Always leaves a trail of stardust 
Cause she's a little bit a YOLO, 
and she's a little bit "oh no" 

From LA, Miami, to New York City! 

That girl’s a trip, a one-way ticket 
Takes you miles high, so high, 
Cause she’s got that one international smile 
Catch her if you can 
Yeah, she's so in demand 
Takes you miles high, so high, 
Cause she’s got that one international smile 

Please fasten your seatbelts, 
And make sure your champagne glasses are empty 
We are now approaching the runway, 
So get ready for take off 

That girl’s a trip, a one-way ticket 
Takes you miles high, so high, 
Cause she’s got that one international smile 
Catch her if you can 
Yeah, she's so in demand 
Takes you miles high, so high, 
Cause she’s got that one international smile
La letra de la canción International Smile - Katy Perry es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Katy Perry.
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