Baby I Love You - Jennifer Lopez

Baby I Love You - Jennifer Lopez
Jennifer Lopez

Baby I Love You

Letra de la canción Baby I Love You - Jennifer Lopez, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Baby I Love You esta publicada en la categoria Jennifer Lopez donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Jennifer López
Letra de Baby I Love You - Jennifer Lopez
[Verse 1]
Boy I never knew I could feel
The way I felt, when I felt
They way you were feelin me baby
I'm so out of control
Everytime you look my way
I realize more and more
How much I adore those pretty eyes of yours
I'm helpless baby
What I want to know is
Are you willing to try
Can you love me for a lifetime
Or just one night ohh

Baby I love you
Love You
Baby I need you
Need You
I gotta have you
I gotta have you baby
Can't be without you
Be without you

Baby I love you
Baby I need you
Need You
I gotta have you
I gotta have you baby
Can't be without you

[Verse 2]
Blessed and Cursed on the same day
The day that I first felt the power of you
Inside of me
Such a strong feeling
There comes a time in everyones life 
When you know that everyone around you knows
That everything has changed, your not the same
Its a new day
Oh what I wanna know is
Are you willing to try
Try to be more meaning to this than what meets the eye


Ohh I love the way you kiss me
Baby please
Im about to loose my mind
Ohh talk to me
cuz Im beggin for you and Im down on my knees
Baby I know your the one that I need

...Baby I love you...
...You know that I need you...
...Gotta have you...
...Can't be without you...
...Baby I love you...
...You know I need you...
...Gotta have you...
...Can't be without you..

[Chorus x3]
La letra de la canción Baby I Love You - Jennifer Lopez es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Jennifer Lopez.
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