Goin' It - Jennifer Lopez

Goin' It - Jennifer Lopez
Jennifer Lopez

Goin' It

Letra de la canción Goin' It - Jennifer Lopez, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Goin' It esta publicada en la categoria Jennifer Lopez donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Jennifer Lopez
Letra de Goin' It - Jennifer Lopez
Tonight feels like we can do anything we like, oh
Tonight feels like the best night of my life
I'm goin' in, I'm goin' in, I'm goin' in
I'm goin' in, I'm goin' in, in in in in

(Put your, put your hands up)

[Beat break]
It's 'go' time, press my button yeah blow the stage, grenade
Oh my, tonight we gon' ring the tank, bananas
No hold, there ain't no stopping us tonight
I'm on my crazy, she on a crazy, we on this crazy
We are amazing

Tonight feels like we can do anything we like, oh
Tonight feels like the best night of my life
I'm goin' in, I'm goin' in, I'm goin' in
I'm goin' in, I'm goin' in, in in in in

(Put your, put your hands up)

[Beat break]
Take it to the head
Take it off the edge
Nothing but the best
Feeling like a million, million people everywhere
Put it in the air
We don't give a damn
Feeling like a billion, billion

No hold, there ain't no stopping us tonight
I'm on my crazy, she on a crazy, we on this crazy
We are amazing

Tonight feels like we can do anything we like, oh
Tonight feels like the best night of my life
I'm goin' in, I'm goin' in, I'm goin' in
I'm goin' in, I'm goin' in, in in in in

[Flo Rida]
Hey you hands on the ceiling
Nobody move, nobody get shot
Lip pounds on me
I love it how a mami went around on me
So I never get enough of yelling, ven aqui
Officer on duty, JLO what they call her
Take me to jail, cause I wanna be your robber
Put me in a cell if you really need to holler
Put me in a cell feed down flo rida, hey
To the sky, put your hands on rock
Plus nobody telling please that the club is mi casa
So they wanna freak, on the way you call papa
Gotta make them sing high notes like oprah
When the ego, I got four leo
Even the DJ, wanna rep puerto rico
Got it on replay, like you just broke a needle
Whatever that he say, better listen up people

Tonight, feels like, tonight, feels like, the best night of my life
I'm goin' in, I'm goin' in, I'm goin' in, I'm goin' in, hey!
La letra de la canción Goin' It - Jennifer Lopez es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Jennifer Lopez.
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