I'm Into You - Jennifer Lopez

I'm Into You - Jennifer Lopez
Jennifer Lopez

I'm Into You

Letra de la canción I'm Into You - Jennifer Lopez, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción I'm Into You esta publicada en la categoria Jennifer Lopez donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Jennifer López
Letra de I'm Into You - Jennifer Lopez
Nana nananana nana-na-eh
Nana nananana nana-na-eh

[Lil Wayne]
Miss Lopez.
Hi, I'm Tune, the man on the moon
I live on the beach, get the sand out ya shoes
And all of that changed since I met you
So we can leave that old shit in the restroom
Ok, I'm into you, like you never knew
I'm falling for you baby, I need a parachute
So wet, I need a wetsuit
You're way too fly, I could be ya jet fuel
Now tell me what you like
I like what you tell me
And if you understand me, you can overwhelm me
It's too late, it's too late
Every finish line is the beginning of a new race
Young Money!

[J Lo]
You got me and I could not defend it
I tried but I had to surrender
Your style got me under the spell
Let me no other choice but to get down

It's too late, it's too late
It's too late, it's too late
You got it, you got it
You got it, you got it

When I look into your eyes, it's over
You got me hooked with your love controller
I'm trippin' and I could not get over
I feel lucky like a four leaf clover

I'm into you, I'm into you
I'm into you, yeaaah
I'm into you, I'm into you
I'm into you, yeaaah

Nana nananana nana-na-eh
Nana nananana nana-na-eh

Listen, now I'm strong baby I bring the fire on
Sharp shooter you can call me the zion
I'm not the one easy to get to
But all that changed, baby when I met you

It's too late, it's too late

It's too late, it's too late
You got it, you got it
You got it, you got it

When I look into your eyes, it's over
You got me hooked with your love controller
I'm trippin' and I could not get over
I feel lucky like a four leaf clover

I'm into you, I'm into you
I'm into you, yeaaah
I'm into you, I'm into you
I'm into you, yeaaah

Nana nananana nana-na-eh
Nana nananana nana-na-eh

I'm not burning and I'm feeling you boy
Get it on if you feeling my world now
I love the way that you moving
And I'm listening to how you grooving
So if you need me, just call on the cruise
We can be whatever that you want in the news
Boy, cause I'm on it and you on it
So we just tell me now

When I look into your eyes, it's over
You got me hooked with your love controller
I'm trippin' and I could not get over
I feel lucky like a four leaf clover

I'm into you, I'm into you
I'm into you, yeaaah
I'm into you, I'm into you
I'm into you, yeaaah

Nana nananana nana-na-eh
Nana nananana nana-na-eh

I'm into you, I'm into you
I'm into you, yeaaah baby
I'm into you, I'm into you
I'm into you, yeaaah
La letra de la canción I'm Into You - Jennifer Lopez es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Jennifer Lopez.
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