Hypnotico - Jennifer Lopez

Hypnotico - Jennifer Lopez
Jennifer Lopez


Letra de la canción Hypnotico - Jennifer Lopez, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Hypnotico esta publicada en la categoria Jennifer Lopez donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Jennifer Lopez
Letra de Hypnotico - Jennifer Lopez
All the girls that know that they're sexy
Come on!

[Verse 1:]
Flip it, slap it down
It's gonna get nasty
Hypnoti-notico, hypnoti-notico
Shake me, shake those earthquakes,
Cause I'm in the ci-ity
Hypnoti-notico, hypnoti-notico.
Love me for my body
I'm original sexy
Hypnoti-notico, hypnoti-notico

[Chorus: x2]
All the boys, all love it when we do our thing.
We're just some silly heartbreakers tonight (tonight)
All the boys, all want it, but it don't mean a thing
We got tonight (tonight)
We're just some silly heartbreakers tonight

Hypnoti-notico, hypnoti-notico.

[Verse 2:]
Red eyes, whiten
Envious smiles
Hypnoti-notico, hypnoti-notico
Sunburn, baby, hurts like cra-azy
Hypnoti-notico, hypnoti-notico
Hungry for some yum, yum
Gonna get me some, some
Hypnoti-notico, hypnoti-notico

[Chorus: x2]
All the boys, all love it when we do our thing.
We're just some silly heartbreakers tonight (tonight)
All the boys, all want it, but it don't mean a thing
We got tonight (tonight)
We're just some silly heartbreakers tonight

Hypnoti-notico, hypnoti-notico
Hypnoti-notico, hypnoti-notico

All the boys go crazy
All the boys go crazy

Hypnoti-notico, hypnoti-notico

Whine up your body like you're a boricua
All of the men have a silly heartbreaker

Hypnoti-notico, hypnoti-notico

[Chorus: x2]
All the boys, all love it when we do our thing.
We're just some silly heartbreakers tonight (tonight)
All the boys, all want it, but it don't mean a thing
We got tonight (tonight)
We're just some silly heartbreakers tonight
La letra de la canción Hypnotico - Jennifer Lopez es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Jennifer Lopez.
¿La canción Hypnotico - Jennifer Lopez tiene un error? Repórtalo en el formulario de contacto.

Lo más visto de Jennifer Lopez

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