Baby When The Light - David Guetta

Baby When The Light - David Guetta
David Guetta

Baby When The Light

Letra de la canción Baby When The Light - David Guetta, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Baby When The Light esta publicada en la categoria David Guetta donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
David Guetta

Letra de Baby When The Light - David Guetta

Inspite of all the consequence
Inspite of all my pride
Inspite of little things you said
That hide me deep inside

I believe your love
I breathe your love
Like the air in the morning
I sleep your love
I salute your love
And I can’t get away

Baby when the lights go out
I hear you calling (I hear you calling)
Baby when the lights go out
I need you

Baby when the lights go out
I hear you calling (I hear you calling)
Baby when the lights go out
I need you

The lights of all you see
You could have overcome all this
And I still can’t get over you
Are you someone i’ll forever miss
I believed your love I can feel your love
And that’s all that I wanted
I sleep your love I salute your love
And I can’t get away

Baby when the lights go out
I hear you calling (I hear you calling)
Baby when the lights go out
I need you

Baby when the lights go out
I hear you calling (I hear you calling)
Baby when the lights go out
I need you

And there’s the dark, begins to rain
The sound is heavy on me

Baby when the lights go out
I need you

Under the spell I wanna be under your touch
Under the spell I wanna be under the rush

Baby when the lights go out

Baby when the lights go out

Baby when the lights go out
I hear you calling (I hear you calling)
Baby when the lights go out
I need you

Baby when the lights go out
I hear you calling (I hear you calling)
Baby when the lights go out
I need you

La letra de la canción Baby When The Light - David Guetta es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista David Guetta.
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Lo más visto de David Guetta

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