Back Home
Letra de la canción Back Home - Edward Maya, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Back Home esta publicada en la categoria Edward Maya donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Letra de Back Home - Edward Maya
I wanna make you happy, this is my desire I wanna make you feel like fire I want you night and day Every day of my life I wanna make you happy, this is my desire You're the one who takes me higher I want you night and day Every day of my life Feeling inside so close to you In your eyes I felt so good Realize I'm loving you I need you just a little bit inside Try to fly just a little bit tonight I need you just a little bit inside Love is hard to find I wanna make you happy, this is my desire I wanna make you feel like fire I want you night and day Every day of my life I wanna make you happy, this is my desire You're the one who takes me higher I want you night and day Every day of my life Feeling inside so close to you In your eyes I felt so good Realize I'm loving you I need you just a little bit inside Try to fly just a little bit tonight I need you just a little bit inside Love is hard to find
La letra de la canción Back Home - Edward Maya es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Edward Maya.
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Lo más visto de Edward Maya
- This Is My Life (en español) - Edward Maya
- My Song Is Love (en español) - Edward Maya
- Stereo Love (en español) - Edward Maya
- Close To You (En Español) - Edward Maya
- In My Arms - Edward Maya
- Desert Rain (En Español) - Edward Maya
- Stere Love - Edward Maya
- Happy For You (En Español) - Edward Maya
- Tornerò - Edward Maya
- Next Door - Edward Maya