Love Story - Edward Maya

Love Story - Edward Maya
Edward Maya

Love Story

Letra de la canción Love Story - Edward Maya, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Love Story esta publicada en la categoria Edward Maya donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Edward Maya
Letra de Love Story - Edward Maya
I'm ready for love
I'm ready for you
I'm standing right here
I'm waiting for you

I'm ready for love
I'm ready for you
I'm standing right here
I'm waiting for you

Surrounding the way
Far from my life
I need you to save me
And be by my side

I'm ready to Love
I tried letting go
But fear breaks apart
Straight from my heart

I'm ready to be
The woman for you
You're standing right here
Make this moment so true

I've quit chasing dreams
Releasing my tears
Wherever to hold you
Forever to love you

You'll Be Crying For Me
You'll Be Crying For Me
You'll Be Crying For Me
You'll Be Crying For Me

You'll Be Crying For Me
You'll Be Crying For Me
You'll Be Crying For Me
You'll Be Crying For Me

In the end you'll find your own way home
Break my heart
Take your love with you
Just let me quit and end this

Esti iubirea mea (Romanian for "You are my Love")
Esti iubirea mea
Esti iubirea mea
Esti iubirea mea

I'm ready for love
I'm ready for you
I'm standing right here
I'm waiting for you

I'm ready for love
I'm ready for you
I'm standing right here
I'm waiting for you

Surrounding the way
Far from my life
I need you to save me
And be by my side

I'm ready to Love
I tried letting go
But fear breaks apart
Straight from my heart

I'm ready to be
The woman for you
You're standing right here
Make this moment so true

I've quit chasing dreams
Releasing my tears
wherever to hold you
Forever to love you

You'll Be Crying For Me

In the end you'll find your own way home
Break my heart
Take your love with you
Just let me..
You won't just tell me the love love

Esti iubirea mea
Esti iubirea mea
Esti iubirea mea
Esti iubirea mea
La letra de la canción Love Story - Edward Maya es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Edward Maya.
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Lo más visto de Edward Maya

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