Stere Love - Edward Maya

Stere Love - Edward Maya
Edward Maya

Stere Love

Letra de la canción Stere Love - Edward Maya, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Stere Love esta publicada en la categoria Edward Maya donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Stere Love Edward Maya

Letra de Stere Love - Edward Maya

When you're gonna stop breaking my heart
I don't wanna be another one
Paying for the things I never done
Don't let go
Don't let go
To my love 
Can I get to your soul
Can you get to my thoughts
Can you promise we won't let go
All the things that I need
All the things that you need
You can make it feel so real.
Cuz' you can't deny
You've blown my mind
When I touch your body
I feel I'm loosing control
Cuz' you can't deny
You've blown my mind
When I see you my baby
I just don't wanna let go
When you're gonna stop breaking my heart
I don't wanna be another one
Paying for the things I never done
Don't let go
Don't let go
To my love
I hate to see you cry
Your smile is a beautiful lie
I hate to see you cry
My love is dying inside x2
I can fix all those lies
But baby, baby I run, but I'm running to you
You won't see me cry, I'm hiding inside
My heart is in pain but I'm smiling for you
Oh baby I'll try to make the things right
I need you more than air when I'm not with you
Please don't ask me why, just kiss me this time
My only dream is about you and I
Can I get to your soul
Can you get to my thoughts
Can you promise we won't let go
All the things that I need
All the things that you need
You can make it feel so real
Cuz' you can't deny
You've blown my mind
When I touch your body
I feel I'm losing control
Cuz' you can't deny
You've blown my mind
When I see you baby
I just don't wanna let go
When you're gonna stop breaking my heart
I don't wanna be another one
Paying for the things I never done
Don't let go
Don't let go
To my love
I hate to see you cry
My love is dying inside
I can fix all those lies
But baby, baby I run, but I'm running to you
You won't see me cry, I'm hiding inside
My heart is in pain but I'm smiling for you
Oh baby I'll try to make the things right
I need you more than air when I'm not with you
Please don't ask me why, just kiss me this time
My only dream ïs about you and I...
La letra de la canción Stere Love - Edward Maya es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Edward Maya.
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Lo más visto de Edward Maya

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