Tiwnheart - Edward Maya

Tiwnheart - Edward Maya
Edward Maya


Letra de la canción Tiwnheart - Edward Maya, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Tiwnheart esta publicada en la categoria Edward Maya donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Dragon Y Caballero

Letra de Tiwnheart - Edward Maya

You wake up next to me
I love you can you see
Bring fire in my heart
Come on and say your love

You wake up next to me
I love you can you see
Bring fire in my heart
Come on and say your love

My sweet love come and bring you desire
Can you try hide your feelings for me
My sweet love come and set me on fire
And i want you to smile just for me.

(feeling your love, feeling your love ...)
(feeling your love, feeling your love ...)

You wake up next to me
I love you can't you see
Bring fire in my heart
Come run and say you love

You wake up next to me
I love you can't you see
Bring fire in my heart
Come run and say you love

You wake up next to me
I love you can't you see
Bring fire in my heart
Come run and say you love

You wake up next to me
I love you can't you see
Bring fire in my heart
Come run and say you love

My sweet love come and bring you desire
Can you try hide your feelings for me
My sweet love come and set me on fire
And i want you to smile just for me.

(feeling your love, feeling your love ...)
(feeling your love, feeling your love ...)

You wake up next to me
I love you can't you see
Bring fire in my heart
Come run and say you love

You wake up next to me
I love you can't you see
Bring fire in my heart
Come run and say you love

You wake up next to me
I love you can't you see
Bring fire in my heart
Come run and say you love

You wake up next to me
I love you can't you see
Bring fire in my heart
Come run and say you love

Love of paper"...

La letra de la canción Tiwnheart - Edward Maya es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Edward Maya.
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Lo más visto de Edward Maya

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