Back In Time - PitBull

Back In Time - PitBull

Back In Time

Letra de la canción Back In Time - PitBull, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Back In Time esta publicada en la categoria PitBull donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Letra de Back In Time - PitBull
(Let's), excuse me baby, 
(Go), yeah, you baby, 
(Back), ooh you groovy baby,
(In), let's make a movie baby,
(Time), excuse me baby,
(Let's), yeah you baby,
(Go), ooh you groovy baby,
(Back), let's make a movie baby,
In time...

It's Mr Worldwide, Agent A, Reporting live,
From Cape Canaveral, MK, Big Syphe, let's ride...

Back, back, in, in, time...
Baby, oh oh baby,
Oh oh baby, my sweet baby,
You're the one...

Miami equals black mask, black clothes,
With a little bit of rope to tie, I flipped it,
Black suits, white shirts, black glasses with a matching tie,
Like Agent J or Agent K, and I wish the whole world would,
Ok, i'm tryin' make a billion out of 15 cents,
Understand, understood,
I’m a go-getter, mover, shaker, culture, bury a boarder, 
Record-breaker, won’t cha,
Give credit where credit is due, don’t cha,
Know that I don't give a number two,
Y'all just halfway thoughts,
Not worth the back of my mind,
But to understand the future we have to go back in time...

Baby, oh oh baby,
Oh oh baby, my sweet baby,
You're the one...
I got the globe, yeah, in the palm of my hand,
Wherever I spin it, that's where I land,
Let’s save the world,
Men In Black I know you understand,
Stop the movement, they can try if they want to,
Ignorar lo latino, si, they can try if they want to,
What Pit solves is a bit raw,
Took like jigsaw and built it all,
Despite a big loss, I’d bet it all,
And fought blind against the world, Ray Charles,
Y'all just halfway thoughts,
Not worth the back of my mind,
But to understand the future, we have to go back in time...

Baby, oh oh baby,
Oh oh baby, my sweet baby,
You're the one...

(Let's), excuse me baby,
(Go), yeah, you baby,
(Back), ooh you groovy baby,
(In), let's make a movie baby,
(Time), excuse me baby,
(Let's), yeah you baby,
(Go), ooh you groovy baby,
(Back), let's make a movie baby,
In time...

Baby, oh oh baby,
Oh oh baby, my sweet baby,
You're the one...

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La letra de la canción Back In Time - PitBull es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista PitBull.
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