Be Mine - Jennifer Lopez

Be Mine - Jennifer Lopez
Letra de la canción Be Mine - Jennifer Lopez, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Be Mine esta publicada en la categoria Jennifer Lopez donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Jennifer Lopez
Letra de Be Mine - Jennifer Lopez
Looking at a coffee table book
At a small cafe on Broadway
Tryin' to find a way
Out of all trouble and dismay
Travelin' on a road unpaved
Everywhere I look
There is something there to remind me
Of feelings from yesterday
Listening to drama and hearsay
Only leaves me empty

You are my friend first
We talk about what hurts
We talk about love
Let's talk about us
Can't you see
I want you to be mine
What matters the most
I just want to see you up close
When I look into your heart
You got everything I want
Can't you see I want you to be mine?

You do what hasn't been done before
No one loves you more
Than me
Can't you see I want you to be mine?
You do what hasn't been done before
No one loves you more
Than me
Can't you see I want you to be mine?

I want you to be mine

Turn the music up
Riding on the highway
Thinking about the way
That I feel when I'm with you
A feeling that continues
To make me feel good
Even when I'm not near you
And I want it to stay
Emotions, I have so many
Love can give you plenty
But I know

[Be Mine lyrics on]

You are my friend first
We talk about what hurts
We talk about love
Let's talk about us
Can't you see
I want you to be mine
What matters the most
I just want to see you up close
When I look into your heart
You got everything I want
Can't you see I want you to be mine?

You do what hasn't been done before
No one loves you more
Than me
Can't you see I want you to be mine?
You do what hasn't been done before
No one loves you more
Than me
Can't you see I want you to be mine?

(I want you to be mine)

Everything he does
All of the the above
Didn't know it 'til I fell in love
Fits me like a glove
Do you know
Can't you see I want you to be mine?
Everything he does
Fits me like a glove
Didn't know it 'til I fell in love
All of the the above
Do you know
Can't you see I want you to be mine?

You do what hasn't been done before
No one loves you more
Than me
Can't you see I want you to be mine?
You do what hasn't been done before
No one loves you more
Than me
Can't you see I want you to be mine?

Be mine, be mine, be mine, be mine..
La letra de la canción Be Mine - Jennifer Lopez es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Jennifer Lopez.
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Lo más visto de Jennifer Lopez

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