Last Friday Night - Katy Perry

Last Friday Night - Katy Perry
Katy Perry

Last Friday Night

Letra de la canción Last Friday Night - Katy Perry, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Last Friday Night esta publicada en la categoria Katy Perry donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Last Friday Night - Katy Perry
Letra de Last Friday Night - Katy Perry
There's a stranger in my bed 
There's a pounding in my head 
Glitter all over the room 
Pink flamingos in the pool 
I smell like a minibar 
DJ's passed out in the yard 
Barbies on the barbeque 
Is this a hickey or a bruise 

Pictures of last night 
Ended up online 
I'm screwed 
Oh well 
It's a blacked-out blur 
But I'm pretty sure it ruled 

Last Friday night 
Yeah we danced on tabletops 
And we took too many shots 
Think we kissed but I forgot 

Last Friday night 
Yeah we maxed our credit cards 
And got kicked out of the bar 
So we hit the boulevard 

Last Friday night 
We went streaking in the park 
Skinny dipping in the dark 
Then had a ménage-a-trois 

Last Friday night 
Yeah I think we broke the law 
Always say we're gonna stop-op 

This Friday night 
Do it all again 
This Friday night 
Do it all again 

Trying to connect the dots 
Don't know what to tell my boss 
Think the city towed my car 
Chandelier is on the floor 
Ripped my favourite party dress 
Warrants out for my arrest 
Think I need a ginger ale 
That was such an epic fail 

Pictures of last night 
Ended up online 
I'm screwed 
Oh well 
It's a blacked-out blur 
But I'm pretty sure it ruled 

Last Friday night 
Yeah we danced on tabletops 
And we took too many shots 
Think we kissed but I forgot 

Last Friday night 
Yeah we maxed our credit cards 
And got kicked out of the bars 
So we hit the boulevards 

Last Friday night 
We went streaking in the park 
Skinny dipping in the dark 
Then had a ménage-a-trois 

Last Friday night 
Yeah I think we broke the law 
Always say we're gonna stop-op 

This Friday night 
Do it all again 
Do it all again 
This Friday night 
Do it all again 
Do it all again 
This Friday night 

T.G.I.F. (x6) 

Last Friday night 
Yeah we danced on tabletops 
And we took too many shots 
Think we kissed but I forgot 

Last Friday night 
Yeah we maxed our credit cards 
And got kicked out of the bar 
So we hit the boulevard 

Last Friday night 
We went streaking in the park 
Skinny dipping in the dark 
Then had a ménage-a-trois 

Last Friday night 
Yeah I think we broke the law 
Always say we're gonna stop-op 

This Friday night 
Do it all again 

La letra de la canción Last Friday Night - Katy Perry es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Katy Perry.
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