Brave - Jennifer Lopez

Brave - Jennifer Lopez
Letra de la canción Brave - Jennifer Lopez, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Brave esta publicada en la categoria Jennifer Lopez donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Jennifer Lopez
Letra de Brave - Jennifer Lopez
New day and it's evident

You must've been heaven sent
Sometimes we shouldn't be hesitant
But I'm not at awe
Just feeling more confident
Just using my common sense
Just trust in it, im lovin' it
I can't refuse
An offer so ___ never let
Can't assume he's gonna use me
And after it, he'll never call again
Don't be afraid
Don't be afraid
This is your day
This is your day

It's time to be brave
Say "I'm not afraid"
Not anymore
I use to be cold
Now the temperature's changed
It just ain't the same
I'm not afraid (X2)
It's time to become brave
As the light of day
Straight into a cave
To show me the way
That I might be safe
Now I'm turning the page
Thanks to the power of love

I can love because
I am brave (x3)
Yeahhhh.....ooooo ooooo

I heard him say
This thing moving too fast for him
It's a feeling I was straddlin
Foolishly ___ him
But its all in his eyes
Really Wish he would let me in
Cause the same way I'm scared of him
He's scared of being hurt again
It's time to let go
Let go of your heart
It's time for a brand new start
Never know we might never part
Baby, don't be afraid
Don't be afraid
This is your day (x2)


I wouldn't take back anything that I've gone thru
I pray for strength for anything that I'm gonna do
Whether it's joy or it's pain
I'm still okay (I'm still okay)
Ima be alright cuz I am brave


Ooh oooooh, I am brave
La letra de la canción Brave - Jennifer Lopez es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Jennifer Lopez.
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