Castle Made Of Sand (Ft. Kelly Rowland & Jamie Drastik) - PitBull

Castle Made Of Sand (Ft. Kelly Rowland & Jamie Drastik) - PitBull

Castle Made Of Sand (Ft. Kelly Rowland & Jamie Drastik)

Letra de la canción Castle Made Of Sand (Ft. Kelly Rowland & Jamie Drastik) - PitBull, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Castle Made Of Sand (Ft. Kelly Rowland & Jamie Drastik) esta publicada en la categoria PitBull donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Letra de Castle Made Of Sand (Ft. Kelly Rowland & Jamie Drastik) - PitBull
So you tried, to believe in the castle made of sand
When it falls to the sea and your feet can’t find dry land
Reach for my hand.

I sacrifice my life to give you my life through speakers,
Try to do good even though I’ve been crossed like Jesus,
God knows I got a good heart but my blood is filled with demons
I’m fighting myself, believe me,
I’m far from ignorant, far from greedy
If you know what I come from, know what I’ve been through
You think there should have been another outcome
Just like most kids, a father I did it without one
Come from the city, woulda X-ed you like Malcolm
Then you wonder how come
I can move in a room full of wolves so swift so smooth,
Thank you mom for making me a man
Let a mother fucker knock down my castle made of sand

So you tried to believe in the castle made of sand
When it falls to the sea and your feet can’t find dry land
Reach for my hand, reach for my hand.

Look, I’m from the home of the spitters, the winners, the big apple
Came down to south beach to build a new castle
Every day I’m hustling and every day you hassle,
Doing what you can and I’m doing what I have to,
Throw me in the jungle and I’ll show you I’m a winner,
I’m coming out to dinner and wearing a chinchilla,
I did it for my town to show em the big picture,
Pit Hit the switch, I promise to never switch up,
This is for my brother took three and went to jail,
I’m sendin' all the pictures of my shows through the mail
He hit me with a letter, said: I know you'll never fail,
So put me on a beach with a bucket and a pale

So you try to believe in the castle made of sand
When it falls to the sea and your feet can’t find dry land
Reach for my hand, reach for my hand.
La letra de la canción Castle Made Of Sand (Ft. Kelly Rowland & Jamie Drastik) - PitBull es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista PitBull.
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