Charge me up - Jennifer Lopez

Charge me up - Jennifer Lopez
Jennifer Lopez

Charge me up

Letra de la canción Charge me up - Jennifer Lopez, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Charge me up esta publicada en la categoria Jennifer Lopez donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Jennifer Lopez
Letra de Charge me up - Jennifer Lopez
Running out of juice
It's a matter of seconds now
I'm shutting down
Desperate when I mo-ove
My battery is screaming loud
I'm shutting down
It's an addiction
I I I want more more more
Give me some boom boom boom
Give me some oh oh oh
Keeps up my engine with a hundred thousand volts
Ignite the room room room
I'm going loco loco loco


Throw me down like lightning volts
Take control of my body every single bone
I come alive when you charge me up baby
Charge me up baby charge me up once and again
I'm dancing in the danger zone
So wired up but I just want another dose
I come alive when you charge me up baby
Charge me up baby charge me up once and again

Ohhhh ohhhh ohhh charge me up once and again
Ohhhh ohhhh ohhhh charge me up once and again

[Jennifer Lopez - Verse 2]
This is my disease my predatory instinct call
I'm bout' to fall oh oh oh
Shock me fill me up
Proceed I'll give you all you want, I'm bout to fall
It's an addiction
I I I want more more more
Give me some boom boom boom
Give me some oh oh oh
Keeps up my engine with a hundred thousand volts
Ignite the room room room I'm going loco loco loco


Throw me down like lightning volts
Take control of my body every single bone
I come alive when you charge me up baby
Charge me up baby charge me up once and again
I'm dancing in the danger zone
So wired up but I just want another dose
I come alive when you charge me up baby
Charge me up baby charge me up once and again

Ohhhh ohhhh ohhh charge me up once and again
Ohhhh ohhhh ohhhh charge me up once and again


Running real low
I'm moving in slow mo
Charge me up, shift me up, I need a reload

Running real low
I'm moving in slow mo
Charge me up, shift me up, I need a reload


Throw me down like lightning volts
Take control of my body every single bone
I come alive when you charge me up baby
Charge me up baby charge me up once and again
I'm dancing in the danger zone
So wired up but I just want another dose
I come alive when you charge me up baby
Charge me up baby charge me up once and again

Ohhhh ohhhh ohhh charge me up once and again
Ohhhh ohhhh ohhhh charge me up once and again
La letra de la canción Charge me up - Jennifer Lopez es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Jennifer Lopez.
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