Choose Your Battles - Katy Perry

Choose Your Battles - Katy Perry
Katy Perry

Choose Your Battles

Letra de la canción Choose Your Battles - Katy Perry, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Choose Your Battles esta publicada en la categoria Katy Perry donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Choose Your Battles - Katy Perry
Letra de Choose Your Battles - Katy Perry
You are my hurt locker lover 
Keep me walking on a wire 
Don't know when you'll blow 
So I tip toe through your triggered mine 
You fight me but I'm on your side 
Defeated, now retreating 

Why you trying to make me your enemy 
All I really need is a little peace 
I just wanna be your lover 
Oh, this is not a competition 
So baby why the ammunition 
I don't wanna be the last one standing 

Choose your battles, babe 
Then you win the war 
Stop digging your own grave 
There's so much to live for 

Choose your battles, babe 
Cause I'm not fighting anymore 
I am not fighting anymore 

I try to pick off your red flags 
But dancing up on broken glass 
Your mind games hit like glue names 
Your course just like the Kennedys 
But you somehow get me on my knees, defeated 
Not retreated 

Why you trying to make me your enemy 
All I really need is a little peace 
I just wanna be your lover 
Oh, this is not a competition 
So baby why the ammunition 
I don't wanna be the last one standing 

Choose your battles, babe 
Then you win the war 
Stop digging your own crave 
Within, so much to live for 

Choose your battles, babe 
Cause I'm not fighting anymore 
I am not fighting anymore 

If you wanna go, then go 
If you wanna stay then stay 
Cause I don't wanna fight no more, baby 
I am not fighting anymore 
If you wanna go, then go 
If you wanna stay then stay 
I don't wanna fight no more 
Anyway, I am not fighting anymore 

If you wanna go, then go 
If you wanna stay then stay 
Cause I don't wanna fight no more, baby 

(Stop digging your own crave 
Within, so much to live for) 

Choose your battles, babe 
Cause I'm not fighting anymore 
I am not fighting anymore 

Anyway, I am not fighting anymore 

If you wanna go, then go 
If you wanna stay then stay 

Cause I don't wanna fight no more, baby
La letra de la canción Choose Your Battles - Katy Perry es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Katy Perry.
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