Come N Go (ft. Enrique Iglesias) - PitBull

Come N Go (ft. Enrique Iglesias) - PitBull

Come N Go (ft. Enrique Iglesias)

Letra de la canción Come N Go (ft. Enrique Iglesias) - PitBull, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Come N Go (ft. Enrique Iglesias) esta publicada en la categoria PitBull donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Letra de Come N Go (ft. Enrique Iglesias) - PitBull
Enrique Iglesias)

I make them girls go
I make them girls go


I being around the world baby
Seen a little thing of everything
Heard a lot, learn a lot
About who to hit the spot
Ting ting ting ting
And if the price is right
I mean the night is right
I mean the time is right
To do the thing
And a now the price, night, time is rigth
So dimelo mami
Dont play no games
Dale mami talk to me streight
Please, please and dont chase
Now this is an debate
And i gonna chase ya
Mami your the internet
And im looking for a download
And if you dont know, now you know
Yeah, i make it come and go

(Enrique Iglesias)

I make them girls go
I make them girls go
I make them girls go

I make them go
Make the come
Make them go oo u
I make them go
Make the come
I make them girls go
I make them go
Make them come
Make them go oo u
I make them go
Make the come
I make them girls go


Now you heard about me
And i got to say much
Aint taking about cars
Is automatic i puck the club
You going do things baby
You know i do before
And you can shake that baby
You never set before
You going to think baby
What you never thought before
This is .... shot
So dont play
Mami your the internet
And im looking for a download
And if you dont know, now you know
Yeah, i make it come and go

(Enrique Iglesias)

I make them girls go
I make them girls go
(Ella esta buena, su hermana esta buena, todas estan buenas)

I make them girls go

I make them go
Make the come
Make them go oo u
I make them go
Make the come
I make them girls go

I make them go
Make them come
Make them go oo u
I make them go
Make the come
I make them girls go



(Enrique Iglesias)

I make them girls go

I make them go
Make the come
Make them go oo u
I make them go
Make the come
I make them girls go

I make them go
Make them come
Make them go oo u
I make them go
Make the come
I make them girls go
La letra de la canción Come N Go (ft. Enrique Iglesias) - PitBull es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista PitBull.
¿La canción Come N Go (ft. Enrique Iglesias) - PitBull tiene un error? Repórtalo en el formulario de contacto.

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