Could This Be Love - Jennifer Lopez

Could This Be Love - Jennifer Lopez
Jennifer Lopez

Could This Be Love

Letra de la canción Could This Be Love - Jennifer Lopez, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Could This Be Love esta publicada en la categoria Jennifer Lopez donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Jennifer Lopez
Letra de Could This Be Love - Jennifer Lopez
If you only knew 
What I've been going through 
Waiting and wanting you 
Could this be love 
How, tell me how will I know 
Will my heart make me believe it so 
Or can I trust the way I feel 
If you could read my mind 
You see how hard I've tried 
Still I can't decide 

If you only knew 
What I've been going through 
Waiting and wanting you 
Could this be love 
Oh, tell me could this be love 

Do you know if it's true 
That real love lasts a lifetime 
Does it shine like the stars up in the sky 
And do you know if you can fall for 
Just a moment 
Is a moment for all time 
Why, why am I so unsure 
Is that love knocking at my door 
Or the sound of my beating heart 
If you could read my mind 
You know I just can't hide 
What I feel inside 


Oh, tell me could this be love
La letra de la canción Could This Be Love - Jennifer Lopez es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Jennifer Lopez.
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