Dirty Talk (ft. Wynter Gordon) - David Guetta

Dirty Talk (ft. Wynter Gordon) - David Guetta
David Guetta

Dirty Talk (ft. Wynter Gordon)

Letra de la canción Dirty Talk (ft. Wynter Gordon) - David Guetta, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Dirty Talk (ft. Wynter Gordon) esta publicada en la categoria David Guetta donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
David Guetta

Letra de Dirty Talk (ft. Wynter Gordon) - David Guetta

I am no angel
I like it when you do that stuff to me
I am no angel
I like it when you talk, dirty when you talk

[Dirty Talk]

Kitten Heels, Lingerie,
Pantyhoes, Foreplay,
Legs up, on the bar,
In the back of your car,
Latex, champagne,
Bubble bath, whipped cream,
Cherry pop tag team,
Can you make me scream

I wanna do some dirty things to you tonight,
I wanna fight, all through the night, night...

I am no angel
I like it when you do that stuff to me
I am no angel
I like it when you talk, dirty when you talk

[Dirty Talk]

Blindfold, feather bed,
Tickle me, slippery,
Cheese? Spot,nasty pose,
End of the D.O.
Love machine, by myself,
Clymax,hot wax
S&M on the floor, i like it hardcore

I wanna do some dirty things to you tonight,
I wanna fight, all through the night, night...

I am no angel
I like it when you do that stuff to me
I am no angel
I like it when you talk, dirty when you talk

I am no angel
I like it when you do that stuff to me
I am no angel
I like it when you talk, dirty when you talk

[Dirty Talk]

Can you go down,
Are you up for it, baby
Can you turn me out, are you up for it

Talk to me..talk to me..
Talk dirty to me.. Talk dirty to me

Talk to me..talk to me..
Talk dirty to me.. Talk dirty to me

[Dirty Talk]

I am no angel
I like it when you do that stuff to me
I am no angel
I like it when you talk, dirty when you talk

I am no angel
I like it when you do that stuff to me
I am no angel
I like it when you talk, dirty when you talk

[Dirty Talk]

La letra de la canción Dirty Talk (ft. Wynter Gordon) - David Guetta es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista David Guetta.
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Lo más visto de David Guetta

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