Feelin So Good - Jennifer Lopez

Feelin So Good - Jennifer Lopez
Jennifer Lopez

Feelin So Good

Letra de la canción Feelin So Good - Jennifer Lopez, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Feelin So Good esta publicada en la categoria Jennifer Lopez donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Jennifer Lopez
Letra de Feelin So Good - Jennifer Lopez

When i opened up my eyes today
Felt the sun shining on my face
It became so clear to me that everything is goin my way
I feel like there’s no limit to what i can see
Got rid of fears that were holding me
My endless possibilities
Has the whole world opened up for me
That’s why i’m feeling...

I’m feeling so good
I knew i would
Been taking care of myself
Like i should
Cause not one thing
Can bring me down
Nothing in this world gonna turn me around...

Now that day is turning into night
And everything is still going right
There’s no way you can stop me this time
Or break this spirit of mine
Like the stars above i’m gonna shine
Anything i want will be mine
Tonight i’m gonna have a good time
Call a few friends of mine
Cause i’m loving life
And tonight’s for feeling...

I’m feeling so good
I knew i would
Been taking care of myself
Like i should
Cause not one thing
Can bring me down
Nothing in this world gonna turn me around...
I’m feeling so good
I knew i would
Been taking care of myself
Like i should
Cause not one thing
Can bring me down
Nothing in this world gonna turn me around...


I’m feeling so good
I knew i would
Been taking care of myself
Like i should
Cause not one thing
Can bring me down
Nothing in this world gonna turn me around...
I’m feeling so good
I knew i would
Been taking care of myself
Like i should
Cause not one thing
Can bring me down
Nothing in this world gonna turn me around...
I’m feeling so
Party on tonight night
Everything is feeling right dj
Party on tonight
Everything is feeling right

I’m feeling so good
I knew i would
Been taking care of myself
Like i should
Cause not one thing
Can bring me down
Nothing in this world gonna turn me around...
I’m feeling so good
I knew i would
Been taking care of myself
Like i should
Cause not one thing
Can bring me down
Nothing in this world gonna turn me around...
I’m feeling so good
I knew i would
Been taking care of myself
Like i should
Cause not one thing
Can bring me down
Nothing in this world gonna turn me around...
I’m feeling so good
I knew i would
Been taking care of myself
Like i should
Cause not one thing
Can bring me down
Nothing in this world gonna turn me around
La letra de la canción Feelin So Good - Jennifer Lopez es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Jennifer Lopez.
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