Get Right - Jennifer Lopez

Get Right - Jennifer Lopez
Jennifer Lopez

Get Right

Letra de la canción Get Right - Jennifer Lopez, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Get Right esta publicada en la categoria Jennifer Lopez donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Jennifer López
Letra de Get Right - Jennifer Lopez
[verse 1:]
Ya lookin' just a little too hard at me
Standing just a little too close to me
Ya sayin not quite enough to me
Ya sipping just a little too slow for mee
No doubt ya playin' real cool homie
Got me thinkin' what is it you'll do for me
Trippin' ova it, a little more than I should be
So let ya self go and get right with me

I'm about to sign ya up, we can get right 
Before the night is up,
we can get riiiiiiight get riiiiiiight,
we can get right
I'm about to fill ya cup, we can get right 
Before the night is up,
we can get riiiiight toniiiiiight,
we can get right
Do you want more?[4x]

Ya lips talkin' bout I play too much
Can't a woman take advantage of what she wants
My hands movin' oh so slow
But probably you don't know
All I need is ya here right by my side
Take whatever ya want you let me decide
Just put ya name on the dotted line


So much we've got to say
But so little time
And if tonight aint long enough

Don't leave love behind (don't leave love behind)
Baby take my hand, I'll show you why

La letra de la canción Get Right - Jennifer Lopez es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Jennifer Lopez.
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