Good Hit - Jennifer Lopez

Good Hit - Jennifer Lopez
Jennifer Lopez

Good Hit

Letra de la canción Good Hit - Jennifer Lopez, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Good Hit esta publicada en la categoria Jennifer Lopez donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Jennifer Lopez
Letra de Good Hit - Jennifer Lopez
Uno, dos, tres, cuatro

La La La La
La La La La
La La La La
La La La La

Can I please have your attention?

I'm so dope from head to toe
Armed and big, I drop it low
On the ground, I put it down
Round and round yeah here we go

Push up on me, I'm on the floor
Talk up on it, make me yours
Give you my love, give me love back
Baby I'm here, where you at

Got that New York swagger, Miami bass
Got my California Loub's on, all up in your face
Yeah I'm mid-west pimp tight, Texas fire
Don't you want me to have your babies
Don't you wish I was your Boo

I got that good hit (La la la la)
Don't you wish I was your boo
I got that good hit (La la la la)
Don't you wish I was your boo
I got that good hit (La la la la)
Don't you wish I was your boo
I got that good hit (La la la la)
Don't you wish I was your boo
Can I please have your attention?

Palms up yup call them up yup
Tell 'em that I got that gold buy me some Louis stuff
Buy me Gucci stuff yup that I Love Lucy stuff
Baby I'm a classic don't you wanna bag me

Don't you like my outfit looking all flashy
Don't you wanna love me up right in traffic?
All up in my bum bum tryin' to back back
I'm standing here where you at

Got that New York swagger, Miami bass
Got my California Loub's on, all up in your face
Yeah I'm mid-west pimp tight, Texas fire
Don't you want me to have your babies
Don't you wish I was your Boo

I got that good hit (La la la la)
Don't you wish I was your boo
I got that good hit (La la la la)
Don't you wish I was your boo
I got that good hit (La la la la)
Don't you wish I was your boo
I got that good hit (La la la la)
Don't you wish I was your boo

I got that Good Hit
(Can I Please Have Your Attention)
I got that Good Hit
(Can I Please Have Your Attention)
I got that Good Hit.
La letra de la canción Good Hit - Jennifer Lopez es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Jennifer Lopez.
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Lo más visto de Jennifer Lopez

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