Gotta Be There - Jennifer Lopez

Gotta Be There - Jennifer Lopez
Jennifer Lopez

Gotta Be There

Letra de la canción Gotta Be There - Jennifer Lopez, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Gotta Be There esta publicada en la categoria Jennifer Lopez donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Jennifer Lopez
Letra de Gotta Be There - Jennifer Lopez
I wanna be where you are)

(Could it be I stayed away too long?)

I remember I said we should split
Had a lot goin' on And you weren't part of it
You tryin' to reason with me I admit
But I did
And now I'm walkin' around so so sick
And now I'm thinkin' for you that's a fact
Got me missin' you Like LA misses Shaq
What I gotta do
On my mission to get you back
Because I'm just that way without you
Baby baby I

Really didn't mean it
When I said it, I'll repeat it
I was trippin' flippin' out It was nothin'
I was on a whole other level
Now I got it all together
I was sick, but now I'm better
I was trying to push you away
Really wanted you to stay
Didn't know that was the case
It was just plain crazy 'cause around here lately
Been thinkin' about nothing but my baby

If you're in Houston, Hosted in Atlanta
(I wanna be where you are)

Chillin' in New York
(Baby I gotta be there)
Somewhere out in Puerto Rico
(Baby I gotta be there)

If you're in Chicago Hangin' out in the MIA
(I wanna be where you are)

Maybe you can be in LA
(Baby I gotta be there)
I just wanna be your lady
(Baby I gotta be there)

(I wanna be where you are)
(Could it be I stayed away too long?) 2x

What's gone is gone
And I wanna take it back
I'm not livin' in the past
But now I want you back
Gotta get you, gotta get you here
I been looking for you everywhere
Everywhere, baby
I'd apologize 1000 times to you if I could prove (prove)
Baby I'm wrong and out of breath
I been around the world tryin' to get to you

Really didn't mean it
When I said it, I'll repeat it
I was trippin' flippin' out It was nothin'
I was on a whole other level
Now I got it all together
I was sick, but now I'm better
I was trying to push you away
Really wanted you to stay
Didn't know that was the case
It was just plain crazy 'cause around here lately
Been thinkin' about nothing but my baby

If you're in Houston, Hosted in Atlanta
(I wanna be where you are)

Chillin' in New York
(Baby I gotta be there)
Somewhere out in Puerto Rico
(Baby I gotta be there)

If you're in Chicago Hangin' out in the MIA
(I wanna be where you are)

Maybe you can be in LA
(Baby I gotta be there)
I just wanna be your lady
(Baby I gotta be there)

(I wanna be where you are)
(Could it be I stayed away too long?)
( OOohhhh OOohhhh OOohhhh OOohhhh)
(Could it be I stayed away too long?)

La letra de la canción Gotta Be There - Jennifer Lopez es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Jennifer Lopez.
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