Hold It Don't Drop IT - Jennifer Lopez

Hold It Don't Drop IT - Jennifer Lopez
Jennifer Lopez

Hold It Don't Drop IT

Letra de la canción Hold It Don't Drop IT - Jennifer Lopez, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Hold It Don't Drop IT esta publicada en la categoria Jennifer Lopez donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Jennifer Lopez
Letra de Hold It Don't Drop IT - Jennifer Lopez

You dont know what your doin
What you're doin to me
Try to stop it, cant stop it
Cuz you got what I need
You got me all open
And now you're tryin to leave
Hold it dont drop it, dont drop it
Stop it, cant stop it, wont stop it

Everytime I try to run
Somethin keeps stoppin me
I try my best to turn around
But your touch wont let me leave
I cant control it
You put somethin inside of me
Cuz you're a problem
Boy you must have poisoned me


Boy I must be buggin
Let you play those games I dont understand
Ill be that yo-yo on a string.

Roll it down Ill come right back to your hand
I make excuses
But we keep on rockin anyway
But it aint workin
When I let you go you make me stay


Wont let, me leave
Control, of me
You got, what I need
Hold it dont drop it, dont drop it
Stop it, cant stop it, wont stop it
Wont let you go
Cant let you leave
I need your love
Inside of me
You got control
Control of me
Hold it dont drop it, dont drop it
Stop it, cant stop it, wont stop it

La letra de la canción Hold It Don't Drop IT - Jennifer Lopez es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Jennifer Lopez.
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