Hold On 'Til The Night - Greyson Chance

Hold On 'Til The Night - Greyson Chance
Greyson Chance

Hold On 'Til The Night

Letra de la canción Hold On 'Til The Night - Greyson Chance, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Hold On 'Til The Night esta publicada en la categoria Greyson Chance donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Greyson Chance

Letra de Hold On 'Til The Night - Greyson Chance

Watching the minute hand
Frozed solid not moving
Still we believe we can
But we're afraid of losing
Watching from over here
It's hardly worth competing
I'm almost out of here
While breaking a heart that's beating

Just as I start giving up
I'm not backing up

Run into the light
Get out of your own way
Not afraid to fight
Believe in what you say
I'll hold on 'til the night
Hanging by a thread
I'm not scared to let go
Thoughts inside your head
That creep up to get you
I believe this is right
So i'll hold on 'til the night

I climbed up on a tree
To get a new perspective
If love is worth the time
The price is being rejected

Just as I start falling down
I turned this around

Run into the light
Get out of your own way
Not afraid to fight
Believe in what you say
I'll hold on 'til the night
Hanging by a thread
I'm not scared to let go
Thoughts inside your head
That creep up to get you
I believe this is right
So i'll hold on 'til the night

Hold on 'til I'm with you
All i've got to give you
All my fears are slowly fading to never know
Yes I start running running

Run into the light
Get out of your own way
Not afraid to fight
Believe in what you say
I'll hold on 'til the night (Believe that this is the night)
Hanging by a thread
I'm not scared to let got
Thoughts inside your head
That creep up to get you
I believe this is right
So i'll hold on 'til the night

La letra de la canción Hold On 'Til The Night - Greyson Chance es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Greyson Chance.
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