Take my Heart - Greyson Chance

Take my Heart - Greyson Chance
Greyson Chance

Take my Heart

Letra de la canción Take my Heart - Greyson Chance, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Take my Heart esta publicada en la categoria Greyson Chance donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Greyson Chance
Letra de Take my Heart - Greyson Chance
Don't have no fancy occupation 
I can't fly you to the Moon 
Ain't got nothing in my pocket 
But I got enough Love for you 
I don't drive a Lamborghini (no I don't) 
All my clothes are old used 
Ain't got no house on the hill, Girl 
But I got enough Love for you 
Girl, what I give 
Can't put a price tag on it 
You're worth more than gold 
And I'll do anything to have it 
Spend all my time on you 
Ain't got no time to pay 
But if I gave one thing away 
Take my heart today (ooohhhooohhh) 
Take my heart today (ooohhhooohhh) 
And let me show what you been missing (my love) 
And show what love's supposed to do
(what's it's supposed to do oh) 
We don't need no Magic or Money 
Cause I got enough Love for you 
It don't take no rocket Science 
To know that I'm your dream come true 
Let me promise you his one thing 
That I got enough Love for you (got so much Love for you) 
Girl, what I give 
Can't put a price tag on it 
You're worth more than gold 
And I'll do anything to have it 
Spend all my time on you 
Ain't got no time to pay 
But if I gave one thing away 
Take my Heart today 
Girl, what I give 
Can't put a price tag on it 
You're worth more than gold 
And I'll do anything to have it 
Spend all my time on you 
Ain't got no time to pay 
But if I gave one thing away-ay-ay-ay 
Girl, what I give 
Can't put a price tag on it (price tag on it) 
You're worth more than gold 
And I'll do anything to have it 
Spend all my time on you (time on you) 
Ain't got no time to pay (got no time to pay) 
But if I gave one thing away 
Take my heart today (take my heart today) 
Take my heart today 
Take my heart away 
Take my heart today 
La letra de la canción Take my Heart - Greyson Chance es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Greyson Chance.
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Lo más visto de Greyson Chance

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