Home Is In Your Eyes - Greyson Chance

Home Is In Your Eyes - Greyson Chance
Greyson Chance

Home Is In Your Eyes

Letra de la canción Home Is In Your Eyes - Greyson Chance, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Home Is In Your Eyes esta publicada en la categoria Greyson Chance donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Greyson Chance

Letra de Home Is In Your Eyes - Greyson Chance

My heart beats a little bit slower, these nights are a little bit colder
Now that you're gone
My skies seem a little bit darker, sweet dreams seem a little bit harder
I hate when you're gone

Everyday times passing, growing tired of all this traffic
Take me away to where you are

I wanna be holding you hand in the sand by the tire swing
Where we used to be
Baby you and me
I try with a thosand miles just so I can see your smile
Feel so far away
When you cry
Cuz home is in your eyes

Your heart beets a little bit faster
There's tears were there used to be laughter
Now that I'm gone

You talk just a little bit softer
Things take just a little bit longer
You hate that I'm gone

Everyday times passing, growing tired of all this traffic
Take me away to where you are

I wanna be holding you hand in the sand by the tire swing
Where we used to be
Baby you and me
I try with a thousand miles just so I can see your smile
Feel so far away
When you cry
Cuz home is in your eyes

If I could write another ring a ding this wouldn't even be our song
I'd find a way that we would never ever ever be apart right from the start

I wanna be holding you hand in the sand by the tire swing
Where we used to be
Baby you and me
I try with a thousand miles just so I can see your smile
Feel so far away
When you cry
Cuz home is in your eyes

I wanna be hold your hand in the sand by the tire swing
Where we used to be
Baby you and me
I try with a thousand miles just so I can see your smile
Feel so far away
When you cry
Cuz home is in your eyes

La letra de la canción Home Is In Your Eyes - Greyson Chance es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Greyson Chance.
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