Letra de la canción Paparazzi - Greyson Chance, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Paparazzi esta publicada en la categoria Greyson Chance donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Letra de Paparazzi - Greyson Chance
We are the crowd We're c-coming out Got my flash on, it's true Need that picture of you It's so magical We'd be so fantastico Leather and jeans Garage glamorous Not sure what it means But this photo of us It don't have a price Loving you is cherry pie Cause you know that baby, i I'm your biggest fan I'll follow you until you love me Paparazzi Baby there's no other superstar You know that i'll be Paparazzi Promise i'll be kind But i won't stop until that girl is mine Baby you'll be famous Chase you down until you love me Paparazzi I'll be your girl Backstage at your show Velvet ropes and guitars Yeah, cause you're my rockstar In between the sets Cigarettes Shadow is burnt Yellow, dance and we turn My lashes are dry Purple teardrops i cried It don't have a price Loving you is cherry pie Cause you know that baby, i I'm your biggest fan I'll follow you until you love me Paparazzi Baby there's no other superstar You know that i'll be Paparazzi Promise i'll be kind But i won't stop until that girl is mine Baby you'll be famous Chase you down until you love me Paparazzi I'm your biggest fan I'll follow yo until you love me Paparazzi Baby there's no other superstar You know that i'll be Paparazzi Promise i'll be kind But i won't stop until that girl is mine Baby you'll be famous Chase you down until you love me Paparazzi
La letra de la canción Paparazzi - Greyson Chance es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Greyson Chance.
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