I can't believe this it's me - Jennifer Lopez

I can't believe this it's me - Jennifer Lopez
Jennifer Lopez

I can't believe this it's me

Letra de la canción I can't believe this it's me - Jennifer Lopez, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción I can't believe this it's me esta publicada en la categoria Jennifer Lopez donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Jennifer Lopez
Letra de I can't believe this it's me - Jennifer Lopez
How can you just say that you love me yet to leave you alone
You said these walls were here to protect us, but it's still
 not a home
All these questions that are burning inside with answers I'll
 never know
'Cause you're the only one who knows how you feel, but you're 
not letting me know

What is it, love
Can I help you
I see where this has gone and what it's coming to
I look to you

I can't believe this is me
Where I can touch and not feel you
I feel I'm lost in a dream
Between what is and what seems
Having to face not to need you
You know you owe it to me
How can you think we don't need you
I'm tired of running away from my fear and the day
That our life has no meaning
Without a word or a reason
Like a coward, you're leaving

Sitting here inside an empty room that was filled with us
Only boxes to define what was left of what we used to call love
It's sad that after all of this time, you have nothing to say
Ooh, and the only thing that you could've done, you choose 
to walk away

I'm thankful, love
I don't hate you
'Cause I'd rather live and know than what you put me through
I needed you

I can't believe this is me
Where I can touch and not feel you
I feel I'm lost in a dream
Between what is and what seems
Having to face not to need you
How could you do this to me
How could you think we don't need you
I'm tired of running away from the fear and the day
That our life has no meaning
Without a word or a reason
Like a coward, you're leaving

I can't believe this is me
I wasn't wont to believe you
I feel I'm lost in a dream
Between what is and what seems
Having to face not to need you
How could you do this to me
How could you think we don't need you
I'm tired of running away from my fear of the day
That our life has no meaning
Without a word or a reason
Like a coward, you're leaving 
La letra de la canción I can't believe this it's me - Jennifer Lopez es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Jennifer Lopez.
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Lo más visto de Jennifer Lopez

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