I Got You - Jennifer Lopez

I Got You - Jennifer Lopez
Jennifer Lopez

I Got You

Letra de la canción I Got You - Jennifer Lopez, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción I Got You esta publicada en la categoria Jennifer Lopez donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Jennifer Lopez
Letra de I Got You - Jennifer Lopez
Right here
Something in the dark shot glasses, you know
Something that you can lean to
Something that you can ride to
Something that you can step to
You know

Sometimes real love can be 
Not seen 'cause you're thinkin'
What's right in front of you
Can't be the one for you

Then one day you realize that
There are feelings that you can't hold back
And you're so caught up
Now that's all you think of
Crazy how

All that talk of us not able to last
Just because of mistakes we made in the past
But they fail to understand

I got you
And nobody can come to change a thing
'Cause you gotta know 
You got me
And it feels so good to have your back now
I'm so proud

I got you
And if somebody tries to take you from me
They will see I've got you
You got me

I got you

Things are often said to
Doubt what I feel for you
But words that people say
Won't take my love away
Although it hurts sometimes, it's alright
But why they say some things that ain't right
I never know but please understand that baby, it ain't nothing

All that talk of us not able to last
Just because of mistakes we made in the past
But they fail to understand

I got you
And nobody can come to change a thing
'Cause you gotta know 
You got me
And it feels so good to have your back now
I'm so proud

I got you
And if somebody tries to take you from me
They will see I've got you (I got you, baby)
You got me (you got me, baby)
I got you (I got you, baby)
You got me (you got me, baby)

So that's all that people can do
Nevermind all the love, all that you
gotta do is simply love, trust, and just stay...
Together we'll get through whatever if we 
Don't let speculations make situations up 
We'll be alright

I got you
And nobody can come to change a thing
'Cause you gotta know
You got me
And it feels so good to have your back now
I'm so proud

I got you
And if somebody tries to take you from me
They will see I've got you (I got you, baby)
You got me (you got me, babe)

I got you
And nobody can come to change a thing (feels so good inside)
'Cause you gotta know
You got me
And it feels so good to have your back now
I'm so proud

I got you
And if somebody tries to take you from me
They will see I've got you (I got you)
You got me (yes, you got me, baby)
I got you (nothing come between us)
You got me (you got me)
I got you (through whatever)
You got me (you're all that I need)
I got you (oh, baby)
You got me (forever, baby)
I got you (I got you)
You got me (you got me)
I got you
You got me
La letra de la canción I Got You - Jennifer Lopez es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Jennifer Lopez.
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