If you had my love (completa) - Jennifer Lopez

If you had my love (completa) - Jennifer Lopez
Jennifer Lopez

If you had my love (completa)

Letra de la canción If you had my love (completa) - Jennifer Lopez, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción If you had my love (completa) esta publicada en la categoria Jennifer Lopez donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Jennifer López
Letra de If you had my love (completa) - Jennifer Lopez
If you had my love
And I gave you all my trust
Would you comfort me
And if somehow you knew
That your love would be untrue
Would you lie to me
And call me baby

[Verse 1]
Now if I gave you me, this is how it gots to be
First of all I won’t take you cheating on me
Tell me who can I trust if I can’t trust in you
And I refuse to let you play me for a fool

You said that we, could possibly
Spend enternity, see that’s what you told me
That’s what you said
Well if you want me
You have to be fulfilling of my dreams
If you really want me baby

If you had my love
And I gave you all my trust
Would you comfort me
And if somehow you knew
That your love would be untrue
Would you lie to me
And call me baby

[Verse 2]
Said you want my love
And you got to have it all
But first there are some things you need to know
If you wanna live with all I have to give
I need to feel true love or it’s got to end, yeah

I don’t want you to get with me
And I end up unhappy
I don’t need the hurt, I don’t need the pain
So before I do, give myself to you
I have to know the truth
If I spend my life with you

If you had my love
And I gave you all my trust
Would you comfort me
And if somehow you knew
That your love would be untrue
Would you lie to me
And call me baby

If you had my love
And I gave you all my trust
Would you comfort me
And if somehow you knew
That your love would be untrue
Would you lie to me
And call me baby

If you had my love
And I gave you all my trust
Would you comfort me
And if somehow you knew
That your love would be untrue
Would you lie to me
And call me baby

Hmm, yeah, ooh, na na na
Ooh, if you had my love...

If you had my love
And I gave you all my trust
Would you comfort me
And if somehow you knew
That your love would be untrue
Would you lie to me
And call me baby
La letra de la canción If you had my love (completa) - Jennifer Lopez es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Jennifer Lopez.
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