It Takes Two - Katy Perry

It Takes Two - Katy Perry
Katy Perry

It Takes Two

Letra de la canción It Takes Two - Katy Perry, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción It Takes Two esta publicada en la categoria Katy Perry donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
It Takes Two - Katy Perry
Letra de It Takes Two - Katy Perry
Is Mercury in retrograde 
Or is that the excuse that I've always made 
Cause I wanna blame you 
But I can only blame myself 

Yeah, it's easy to throw you under the bus 
I'll call you crazy, while filling my cup 
I say these things to hurt you 
But I only hurt myself 

Oh, I can only take responsibility 
For me 

It takes two, two sides to every story 
Not just you, I can't keep ignoring 
I admit half of it, I'm not that innocent, oh yeah 

It takes two, two sides to every story 
Not just me, you can't keep ignoring 
But let me be first baby to say "I'm sorry" 

I face my demons, yeah, I paid my dues 
I had to grow up, I wish you could too 
I wanted to save you 
But I can only save myself 

Oh, I can only be the change I want to see 
Yeah, to see 

It takes two, two sides to every story 
Not just you, I can't keep ignoring 
I admit half of it, I'm not that innocent, oh yeah 

It takes two, two sides to every story 
Not just me, you can't keep ignoring 
But let me be first baby to say "I'm sorry" 

I point my finger but it does me no good 
I look in the mirror and it tells me truth, yeah 
Why all these lessons always learned the hard way 
Is it too late to change 

It takes two, two sides to every story 
Not just you, I can't keep ignoring 
I admit half of it, I'm not that innocent, oh 

It takes two, two sides to every story 
Not just me, you can't keep ignoring 
But let me be first baby to say "I'm sorry"
La letra de la canción It Takes Two - Katy Perry es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Katy Perry.
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