Legendary Lovers - Katy Perry

Legendary Lovers - Katy Perry
Katy Perry

Legendary Lovers

Letra de la canción Legendary Lovers - Katy Perry, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Legendary Lovers esta publicada en la categoria Katy Perry donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Legendary Lovers - Katy Perry
Letra de Legendary Lovers - Katy Perry
Under a silver moon, tropical temperature 
I feel my lotus bloom, come closer 
I want your energy, I want your aura 
You are my destiny, my mantra 

I never knew I could see something 
so clearly looking through my third eye 
Never knew karma could be so rewarding 
and bring me to your life 
Maybe this is the beginning of something 
so magical, tonight (oh, oh) 

Take me down to the river 
Underneath the blooded sun 
Say my name like a scripture 
Keep my heart beating like a drum 
Legendary lovers, yes we could be, legendary 
(La, la, la, la, la) 
Legendary lovers, yes we should be, legendary 
(La, la, la, la, la) 

Go down in history 
Go down together, into infinity, forever 
You're Cleopatra 
You're blushing to the end 
Anything for your love, a ride or die 

I never knew I could see something 
so clearly looking through my third eye 
Never knew karma could be so rewarding 
and bring me to your life 
Maybe this is the beginning of something 
so magical, tonight (oh, oh) 

Take me down to the river 
Underneath the blooded sun 
Say my name like a scripture 
Keep my heart beating like a drum 
Legendary lovers, yes we could be, legendary 
(La, la, la, la, la) 
Legendary lovers, yes we should be, legendary 
(La, la, la, la, la) 

[Instrumental Bridge] 
Legendary lovers 
Legendary lovers 
Legendary lovers 

Take me down to the river 
Underneath the blooded sun 
Say my name like a scripture 
Keep my heart beating like a drum 
Legendary lovers, yes we could be, legendary 
(La, la, la, la, la) 
Legendary lovers, yes we should be, legendary 
(La, la, la, la, la) 

Take me down to the river 
Underneath the blooded sun 
Say my name like a scripture 
Keep my heart beating like a drum 
Legendary lovers, yes we could be, legendary 
(La, la, la, la, la) 
Legendary lovers, yes we should be, legendary 
(La, la, la, la, la)
La letra de la canción Legendary Lovers - Katy Perry es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Katy Perry.
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