Love Dont Cost A Thing - Jennifer Lopez

Love Dont Cost A Thing - Jennifer Lopez
Jennifer Lopez

Love Dont Cost A Thing

Letra de la canción Love Dont Cost A Thing - Jennifer Lopez, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Love Dont Cost A Thing esta publicada en la categoria Jennifer Lopez donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Jennifer López
Letra de Love Dont Cost A Thing - Jennifer Lopez
You think you gotta keep me iced
You don't
You think i'm gonna spend your cash
I won't
Even if you were broke
My love don't cost a thing
Think i wanna drive your benz
I don't
If i wanna floss i got my own
Even if you were broke
My love don't cost a thing
When you rolled up in the escalade
Saw that truck you gave to the valet
Knew that it was game when you looked at me
Pulling up your sleeve so i could see the rolley bling
Saw you later in the corner booth
Raising up a toast so i would notice you
But your heart's a mess
Think you outta know
Doesn't matter if you're balling out of control
All that matter's is
That you treat me right
Give me all the things i need
That money can't buy yeah
You think you gotta keep me iced
You don't
You think i'm gonna spend your cash
I won't
Even if you were broke
My love don't cost a thing
Think i wanna drive your benz
I don't
If i wanna floss i got my own
Even if you were broke
My love don't cost a thing
When i took a chance
Thought you'd understand
Baby credit cards aren't romance
So you're tryna buy what's already yours
What i need from is not available in stores
Seen a side of you that i really feel
Doing way too much, never keep it real
If it doesn't change, gotta hit the road
Now i'm leaving, where's my keys?
I've got to go
All that matter's is
That you treat me right
Give me all the things i need
That money can't buy yeah
You think you gotta keep me iced
You don't
You think i'm gonna spend your cash
I won't
Even if you were broke
My love don't cost a thing
Think i wanna drive your benz
I don't
If i wanna floss i got my own
Even if you were broke
My love don't cost a thing
A thing, a thing, a thing
Yeah, yeah, yeah
You think the money that you make
Can substitute the time you take
Take the keys here to my heart
Then you can win my heart, and get what's in my heart
I think you need to take some time
To show me that your love is true
There's more than dollar signs in you
Then you can win my heart, and get what's in my heart
You think you gotta keep me iced
You don't
You think i'm gonna spend your cash
I won't
Even if you were broke
My love don't cost a thing
Think i wanna drive your benz
I don't
If i wanna floss i got my own
Even if you were broke
My love don't cost a thing
La letra de la canción Love Dont Cost A Thing - Jennifer Lopez es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Jennifer Lopez.
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