Love You No More - Bob Sinclar

Love You No More - Bob Sinclar
Bob Sinclar

Love You No More

Letra de la canción Love You No More - Bob Sinclar, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Love You No More esta publicada en la categoria Bob Sinclar donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Bob Sinclar

Letra de Love You No More - Bob Sinclar

(Feat. Shabba ranks)

Yeah blow, blow, blow!! Shabba ! Yo yo lo lo lova!!!

Je ne t' aime plus, mon amour, (hey!!)
Je ne t' aime plus, (rra, rra, rra) tous les jours, (lord have merci !)

I cannot understand why you don't love me no more,
The love i have a woman, it is rich and pure, (who this?)
Me give the woman the love, that's why me them adore, (shabba!)
Woman if you want this loving, then give it to your guy love

In my world you are my perfect lady

Ter 1 :

In my world you are my perfect lady!
Love all i got or maybe,
It's nothing to drive a girl in a crazy,
Woman in the world love them familiar
With sweet, and no who is no supper long, it is silly
Now i give them girl, them none affi a baby
Girls are so want me, but them cannot trace me
In a bedroom shabba ranks killing easily
Now i have the girl them crazy, who this?

Refrain 1 :

I love the way you whine, cause i'm the number one,
Who love the way your plump butt up, mr loverman
I love the way you whine, cause i'm the number one,
Who love the way your plump butt up, mr loverman

Refrain 2 :

Je ne t'aime plus, mon amour, (shabba!!)
Je ne t'aime plus, tous les jours, (yo yo lo lo lova!!!)
Je ne t'aime plus, mon amour, (musically girl me love you !)
Je ne t'aime plus, tous les jours, (don't worry about your lover because he'll always love you !!)

Ter 2 :

Woman believe it, you're in lo lo love with the realest
Have a girl out a road them want release
Shabba ranks love them act as if them no secret
Like out this love, victoria secret,
You is a woman who wanna love no weakness
Have a bwoy out a road them want very bit
It's the top secret, well!

Refrain 1 :

Refrain 2 :

Hands up !!!! All the girl we love you !!!! Go. Bla, bla, bla, lord have merci!

I cannot understand why you don't love me no more, (hey!)
The love i have a woman, it is rich and pure,
Me give the woman the love, that's why me them adore, (adore!)
Woman if you want this loving, then come on open my door!


I cannot understand why you don't love me no more // je ne t'aime plus, mon amour
The love me have a woman, it is rich and pure // je ne t'aime plus, tous les jours
I give them this love, that's why me them adore // je ne t'aime plus, mon amour
Woman if you want this loving, i will give it to you girl low // je ne t'aime plus, tous les jours

Boom, boom, boom, woman you know that i will drive you crazy,
Boom, boom, boom, turn you inside, till you will say that: love you baby!
Boom, boom, boom, woman you make me sweat cause you are so sexy!
Boom, boom, boom, come again, come again!! Let's go make a baby??(shabba!)

Refrain 1 :

Refrain 2 x2)

Outro :

I love these girls, endlessly! I adore these girls, emotionally!
Ah who this?? : shabba !! Bob sinclar !! Hey!

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