Sugarhill Gang - Bob Sinclar

Sugarhill Gang - Bob Sinclar
Bob Sinclar

Sugarhill Gang

Letra de la canción Sugarhill Gang - Bob Sinclar, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Sugarhill Gang esta publicada en la categoria Bob Sinclar donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Bob Sinclar
Letra de Sugarhill Gang - Bob Sinclar
Oh yeah
What’s up world?
It’s master gee and sugar hill gang, wonder mike, hen degg
And we are here with the man bob sinclar
Let’s do it, c’mon

Lalalala lalala lala
Lalalala lalala lalalalalala

Master gee: back, back, back in the day
When the djs spoile on night
When the party fun, the mc’s come drop
And test the mic (wonder mike: oh yeah)

Not need to worry, no need to hurry …
… are just for you
Keep hopping and ..
Breaking and rocking
Everybody knows
There ain’t no stopppin’

Como yo ge on the floor
… or more
Ain’t no party like an old school party
Gonna old school party
Don’t stop

So dj drop
My favorite
And let me rock the mic
Now throw your hands your hands up in the air
Everybody saying “oh yaeh!!!”

Lalalala lalala lala
(master gee: yeah! Just do it! Do it! Do it!)
Lalalala lalala
(master gee: its on and on and on and on)
(wonder mike: i like that)
(master gee: talk to me. Wonder mike c’mon, let get down)

Wonder mike:
Yes, yes yo! It’s wonder mike and i like to rock the house.
I’m working that body
Work that body
And babe just …
I’m really hippin’ that hop hop
And don’t you stop
Let me see that body rock
Put your … cap to the side
Let me hear you say “alright”!

The groove so funky furious
.. Make you get so serious
When the people hear enough
They start to go delirious
Work it! Let’s work it!
Let’s work it work it work ti!
Let’s somebody, anybody, everybody scream!

Lalalala lalala lala
(master gee: now somebody, anybody, everybody scream!)
Lalalala (master gee: yeah! Now wave your hands from side to side)
(master gee: its on and on and on and on)
(wonder mike: i like that)

One, two, three, four,
Step on
Once upon a time not long ago
When there were no rap stars on tv shows
No movie deals, commercials

Lalala lalala
(master gee: yeah! Just do it! Do it! Do it!)
Lala lalalala
(master gee: now somebody, anybody, everybody sing!)
Lalalala lalala
(master gee: yeah! Just do it! Do it! Do it!)
(rock that body! Move that body! Move that body! C’mon”)
Lalalala lalala
(master gee: it’s on and and on and on and on!)
(wonder mike: i like that)

La letra de la canción Sugarhill Gang - Bob Sinclar es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Bob Sinclar.
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Lo más visto de Bob Sinclar

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