Sound of Freedom - Bob Sinclar

Sound of Freedom - Bob Sinclar
Bob Sinclar

Sound of Freedom

Letra de la canción Sound of Freedom - Bob Sinclar, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Sound of Freedom esta publicada en la categoria Bob Sinclar donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Bob Sinclar

Letra de Sound of Freedom - Bob Sinclar



Now here it is
It comes a time
When everyone need a little relaxation,
You know
Run it
Listen this tune ya,
Listen this (And so it’s said)
Another Bob Sinclar track
With a man called Cutee B and Dollarman
(Yes man!)
You got to believe

Everybody’s free
(Got to be free now)
Feel Good
(Sing it) (Got to feel good about you girl)
Everybody’s free
(Rastaman woo yeah)
(Got to be, Got to be, Got to be free)
This is the sound of freedom

Time to get down the dancefloor
Come on let ya self go
Sweat till you can’t sweat no more
Oh girl if you reach i’ll give you more
When I go down them to the floor
DJ! Gimme some more
Tonight me confident I’m not leaving till the party is done

Everybody’s free
(Everybody’s got to be free yeah)
Feel good
(Did you hear that)
(This is the sound of freedom)
Everybody’s free
(Everybody’s got to be free yeah)
Feel Good
(This is the sound of freedom)

Jump up gal, move your body to the left
Jump up, move your body to the right
Nobody can stop you tonight
No gal look sweet like you tonight
Every man have their eyes on you
Gal your coming home with me tonight, right
You better believe that
Dollarman will do you right

Everybody’s free
(Everybody’s got to be free yeah)
Feel good
(Did you hear that)
(This is the sound of freedom)
Everybody’s free
(Everybody’s got to be free yeah)
Feel Good
(Feel Free)
(This is the sound of freedom)

Everybody’s free
(Everybody’s got to be free yeah)
Feel Good
(This is the sound of freedom)
(Sounds of freedom)
Everybody’s free
(Everybody’s got to be free yeah)
(This is the sound of freedom)

Don’t care what people say
Free yourself, let yourself go
Sweet music is playin’
Free yourself, let yourself go
Release that stress
Free yourself, let yourself go

Yeah, listen up people
Everybody gotta be,
Be yourself, be yourself now
You got to live your life free, sure
Don’t worry ’bout a thing, just be yourself yeah
Everybody’s got to be free

Everybody’s free
(Everybody’s got to be free yeah)
Feel Good
(This is the sound of freedom)
(Sounds of freedom)
Everybody’s free
(Everybody’s got to be free yeah)
(This is the sound of freedom)

Everybody’s free
(Everybody’s got to be free yeah)
Feel Good
(This is the sound of freedom)
(Sounds of freedom)
Everybody’s free
(Everybody’s got to be free yeah)
(This is the sound of freedom)

La letra de la canción Sound of Freedom - Bob Sinclar es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Bob Sinclar.
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Lo más visto de Bob Sinclar

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