Miss Me - Bob Sinclar

Miss Me - Bob Sinclar
Bob Sinclar

Miss Me

Letra de la canción Miss Me - Bob Sinclar, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Miss Me esta publicada en la categoria Bob Sinclar donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Bob Sinclar

Letra de Miss Me - Bob Sinclar

For all the times, another sacrifice,
When we make for keep this relationship together!
You just do me that!
I know you for those walk
Love is still in our heart
I know you'll gonna Miss me ! You know that !

(For your love, For your love)

Groove until the sun rise moving on a few sky, nothing really
Matters when we are together
For the fun that we had, for the joy in your eyes,
We made love is the real, feel the bridge under sea, caught a
Star in the sky, could it be, be more cool? So hear me baby,
Just see me baby,

You'll gonna miss me,(For your love)
You'll gonna miss me, after all we've been through (for your
Oh oh, you'll gonna miss me (For your love) After all we've been
You'll gonna miss me (For your love, For your love)

Baby you surprise me when you say Forever there's nothing here
To keep me
But you got the number.. Oh we dance in a trance.. As we Burn in
A flight, Flying high to the light on a sweet summer Brise. Hear
The beat of your heart when i touch your

Just see me baby
Just hear me baby
You'll gonna miss me (For your love)
You'll gonna miss me after all we been trough (For your love)
You'll gonna miss me (For your love)
You'll gonna miss me
You'll gonna miss my love
You'll gonna miss me baby, baby

When you walk down the street girl, i been so good to you, but
I still love you but i got to go, i still gonna always love
But you'll gonna miss me, as i don't want to say.
Yeah yeah yeah anytime, anywhere but you'll gonna miss my love
Baby, every night you fall asleep
You'll gonna miss my love? Don't let me step one time
You will gonna miss my love

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