Pause - PitBull

Pause - PitBull


Letra de la canción Pause - PitBull, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Pause esta publicada en la categoria PitBull donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Letra de Pause - PitBull
t's a worldwide, no we know you can't come back,
No we know you can't come back,
Cause you look so right, cause you look so right (2x)
Now come here, stop, drop it, pause
Now come here, stop, drop it, pause
Oh, look at that girl, she's like ah
look at that girl, she's like oh
look at that girl, she's like ah
look at that girl, she's like
Look, I got what you need to get you hooked
I steal all your heart I'm a crook
One Friday night, I'm sorry, I'm booked
Brooke, Maria …pause
Now come here, stop, drop it, pause
Now come here, stop, drop it, pause
Oh, look at that girl, she's like ah
look at that girl, she's like oh
look at that girl, she's like ah
look at that girl, she's like
Amiga would you like to play?
We love to see what you stay
And if you say ok, we will play night and day
I'm such a dirty dawg, my teeth will unsnap your bra
But for now baby just pause
Now come here, stop, drop, pause
Now come here, stop, drop, pause
Oh, look at that girl, she's like ah
look at that girl, she's like oh
look at that girl, she's like ah
look at that girl, she's like
Mammy know what is sometime, mammy know what is sometime
She got what I like, what I like
Mammy know what is sometime, mammy know what is sometime
She got what I like, what I like
Mammy know what is sometime, mammy know what is sometime
She got what I like, what I like, pause
Now come here, stop, drop it, pause
Now come here, stop, drop it, pause
Oh, look at that girl, she's like ah
look at that girl, she's like oh
look at that girl, she's like ah
look at that girl, she's like pause.
La letra de la canción Pause - PitBull es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista PitBull.
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