Rabiosa - PitBull

Rabiosa - PitBull


Letra de la canción Rabiosa - PitBull, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Rabiosa esta publicada en la categoria PitBull donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Letra de Rabiosa - PitBull
If you don't get enough I'll make it double
I got my boy now in big, big trouble
You know I want you
Atracao ahi

You've got too much of that sex appeal
Don't play around because I'm for real
You see that road isn't meant for me
You know I want you amarrao aqui

Oye papi
If you like it mocha
Come get a little closer
And bite me en la boca

Oye papi
If you like it mocha
Come get a little closer
And bite me en la boca

Rabiosa, rabiosa
Come closer, come pull me closer
Yo soy rabiosa, rabiosa
Come closer, come pull me closer

if you don't get enough I'll make it double

I'm tryin to have fun and
I love you but you want me
Atracao (ratata)

You got a lot of sex appeal Now baby I'm for real
You see that road isn't meant for me
You know I want you amarrao aqui

Oye mami
Let me get that mocha
Come get a little closer
And bite me en la boca

Oye papi
If you like it mocha
Come get a little closer
And bite me en la boca

Oye mami
I like your mocha
Come get a little closer
And bite me en la boca

Oye papi
If you like it mocha
Come get a little closer
And bite me en la boca

Rabiosa, rabiosa
Come closer, come pull me closer
Yo soy rabiosa, rabiosa
Come closer, come pull me closer

Oye mami
Let me get that mocha
Come get a little closer
And bite me en la boca

Oye papi
If you like it mocha
Come get a little closer
And bite me en la boca

Oye mami
I like your mocha
Come get a little closer
And bite me en la boca

Oye papi
If you like it mocha
Come get a little closer
And bite me en la boca 
La letra de la canción Rabiosa - PitBull es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista PitBull.
¿La canción Rabiosa - PitBull tiene un error? Repórtalo en el formulario de contacto.

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