Shake It Up - PitBull

Shake It Up - PitBull

Shake It Up

Letra de la canción Shake It Up - PitBull, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Shake It Up esta publicada en la categoria PitBull donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Letra de Shake It Up - PitBull
Baby you aint got to front (front, front)
Shorty cuz I want you
Baby you aint got to front (front, front)
Shorty cuz I want you
Baby you aint got to front if you look for me
Baby you aint got to front if you look for me
Shorty cuz I want you

Baby you aint got to front if you look for me
All you gotta do is believe me
Shorty cuz I want you
I wanna show you ooh shake it up
Baby you aint got to front if you look for me
All you gotta do is believe me
Shorty cuz I want you
I wanna show you ooh shake it up

Ima tell you my thoughts mami then you can tell me what you think
We can discuss everything you wanna do baby over these drinks
U can tell me how you want it 4-5 it you can tell me how you like it
Im mr however you want it, baby just j-j-j-j-jump on it
I aint here to sell you dreams or paint you some pretty pictures
I just wanna get in those jeans and just like a robbery lick u
Baby you got me feelin crazy don’t worry bout these haters
Wait up wait up I got room keys come see me later
We can fulfill fantasies so call ur girls
Don’t be mad at me excuse me baby im freaky girl
Suga check this out this gonna be a night to remember
I can tell by the way you shake it all now


Now im feelin a little whoozy its like the rooms spinnin and movin
I feel her body next to mine im so fucked up its like im blind
All I fell is her throwin her back and im lovin that
Im so caught up in the moment aint no holdin back never that
Mammi aint on “e” but I got her eyes rollin back
Mammi you sole on me let me show you how to play with that
Now please let me show you a freaks technique
I know that ur a freak just discreet
Suga check this out this gonna be a night to remember
I can tell by the way you shake it all

La letra de la canción Shake It Up - PitBull es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista PitBull.
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