Spiritual - Katy Perry

Spiritual - Katy Perry
Katy Perry


Letra de la canción Spiritual - Katy Perry, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Spiritual esta publicada en la categoria Katy Perry donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Spiritual - Katy Perry
Letra de Spiritual - Katy Perry
Lay me down at your altar, baby 
I'm a slave to this love 
Your electric lips have got me speaking in tongues 

I have prayed for a power like you 
To see deep down in my soul 
Oh, you make me bloom like a flower, a desert rose 

Magic, or one, or mystery 
All of your charms have worked on me 
I would surrender myself 
Holy hell, and heaven high 
You will open up my eyes 
And I am finally here 

This is spiritual, under your spell 
Phenomenal, the way you make me feel 
Like an angel, oh, at blow 
Like a feather, you make me float 

Flying high as a kite on your love 
Lost in sweet ecstasy 
Found a Nirvana finally 

Magic, or one, or mystery 
All of your charms have worked on me 
I would surrender myself 
Holy hell, and heaven high 
You will open up my eyes 
And I am finally here 

This is spiritual, under your spell 
Phenomenal, the way you make me feel 
Like an angel, oh, at blow 
Like a feather, you make me float 

(You make me float, you make me float) 

This is spiritual, under your spell 
So phenomenal, the way you make me feel 
Like an angel, oh, at blow 
Like a feather, you make me float 

(You make me float, oh, you make me float)
La letra de la canción Spiritual - Katy Perry es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Katy Perry.
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