Teenage Dream - Katy Perry

Teenage Dream - Katy Perry
Katy Perry

Teenage Dream

Letra de la canción Teenage Dream - Katy Perry, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Teenage Dream esta publicada en la categoria Katy Perry donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Teenage Dream - Katy Perry
Letra de Teenage Dream - Katy Perry
You think I’m pretty 
Without any makeup on 
You think I’m funny 
When I tell the 
Punch line wrong 

I know you get me 
So I let my 
Walls come down, down 
Before you met me 
I was alright but things 

Were kinda heavy 
You brought me to life 
Now every February 
You’ll be my valentine, valentine 

Let’s go all 
The way tonight 
No regrets 
Just love 
We can dance 
Until we die 
You and I 
We’ll be young forever 

You make me 
Feel like I’m living a 
Teenage dream 
The way you turn me on 
I can sleep 

Let’s run away and 
Don’t ever look back 
Don’t ever look back 
My heart stops 
When you look at my 

Just one touch 
Now baby I believe 
This is real 
So take a change and 
Don’t ever look back 
Don’t ever look back 

We drove to Cali 
And got drunk on the beach 
Got a motel and 
Built a fort out of sheets 
I finally found you 
My missing puzzle piece 
I'm complete 

Let’s go all 
The way tonight 
No regrets 
Just love 
We can dance 
Until we die 
You and I 
We’ll be young forever 

You make me 
Feel like I’m living a 
Teenage dream 
The way you turn me on 
I can sleep 

Let’s run away and 
Don’t ever look back 
Don’t ever look back 
My heart stops 
When you look at my 

Just one touch 
Now baby I believe 
This is real 
So take a change and 
Don’t ever look back 
Don’t ever look back 

I’ma get you heart racing 
In my skin-tight jeans 
Be you teenage dream 
Let you put your hands on me 

In my skin-tight jeans 
Be you teenage dream 
Tonight, tonight 
Tonight, tonight 
Tonight, tonight 

You make me 
Feel like I’m living a 
Teenage dream 
The way you turn me on 
I can sleep 

Let’s run away and 
Don’t ever look back 
Don’t ever look back 
My heart stops 
When you look at my 

Just one touch 
Now baby I believe 
This is real 
So take a change and 
Don’t ever look back 
Don’t ever look back 

I’ma get you heart racing 
In my skin-tight jeans 
Be you teenage dream 
Let you put your hands on me 

In my skin-tight jeans 
Be you teenage dream 
Tonight, tonight 
Tonight, tonight 
Tonight, tonight
La letra de la canción Teenage Dream - Katy Perry es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Katy Perry.
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