That’s More Like It
Letra de la canción That’s More Like It - Katy Perry, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción That’s More Like It esta publicada en la categoria Katy Perry donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Letra de That’s More Like It - Katy Perry
That's more like it, that's more like it...
When I wanted you, you did not reciprocate
When I needed you, you would always show up late
But things have changed, and I've got the upper hand
You come runnin' and I've got you eating out of my hand
That's more like it, yeah
That's more like it
Make my dinner, bring it to me
That's more like it, That's more like it
Yeah, That's more like it
Yeah, That's more like it
I see where and when it happens
That's more like it!
When my birthday came, you would not remember it
When I talked to you, you were never listenin'
But tables turn, and it's great to be on top
Got you great to appreciate the good that you've got
That's more like it, yeah
That's more like it
Make my dinner, bring it to me
That's more like it, That's more like it
Yeah, That's more like it
Yeah, That's more like it
I see where and when it happened
That's more like it!
I like chocolate
And I like daisies
Maybe better write this down
I love cashmere, and I want diamonds
Ready for my massage right now
Right now
That's more like it, yeah
That's more like it
Make my dinner, bring it to me
That's more like it, That's more like it
Yeah, That's more like it
Yeah, That's more like it
I see where and when it happens
That's more like it!
When I wanted you, you did not reciprocate
When I needed you, you would always show up late
But things have changed, and I've got the upper hand
You come runnin' and I've got you eating out of my hand
That's more like it, yeah
That's more like it
Make my dinner, bring it to me
That's more like it, That's more like it
Yeah, That's more like it
Yeah, That's more like it
I see where and when it happens
That's more like it!
When my birthday came, you would not remember it
When I talked to you, you were never listenin'
But tables turn, and it's great to be on top
Got you great to appreciate the good that you've got
That's more like it, yeah
That's more like it
Make my dinner, bring it to me
That's more like it, That's more like it
Yeah, That's more like it
Yeah, That's more like it
I see where and when it happened
That's more like it!
I like chocolate
And I like daisies
Maybe better write this down
I love cashmere, and I want diamonds
Ready for my massage right now
Right now
That's more like it, yeah
That's more like it
Make my dinner, bring it to me
That's more like it, That's more like it
Yeah, That's more like it
Yeah, That's more like it
I see where and when it happens
That's more like it!
La letra de la canción That’s More Like It - Katy Perry es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Katy Perry.
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