This Is How We Do - Katy Perry

This Is How We Do - Katy Perry
Katy Perry

This Is How We Do

Letra de la canción This Is How We Do - Katy Perry, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción This Is How We Do esta publicada en la categoria Katy Perry donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
This Is How We Do - Katy Perry
Letra de This Is How We Do - Katy Perry
(This is how we do, this is how we do) 

Sipping on Rosé, 
Silver Lake sun coming up all lazy 
(This is how we do) 
Slow cooking pancakes for my boy, 
Still up, still fresh as a daisy 
Playing ping pong all night long, 
Everything's on me and then hazy 
(This is how we do) 
Chanel this, Chanel that, hell yeah, 
All my girls vintage Chanel baby 

It's no big deal 
It's no big deal 
It's no big deal 
This is no big deal 

This is how we do, yeah, chilling, laid back 
Straight stunting ya we do it like that 
This is how we do, do do do do 
This is how we do 
This is how we do yeah, chilling, laid back 
Straight stunting ya we do it like that 
This is how we do, do do do do 
This is how we do 

Big hoops, and maroon lips my clique hop in my Maseratti 
(This is how we do) 
Said to Barbara, chic, at the Super Rica, 
grabbing tacos, checking out hotties 
Now we talking astrology, 
getting our nails did, all Japanese-y 
(This is how we do) 
Day drinking at the Wildcats, 
sucking real bad at Mariah karaoke 

It's no big deal 
It's no big deal 
It's no big deal 
This is no big deal 

This is how we do, yeah, chilling, laid back 
Straight stunting ya we do it like that 
This is how we do, do do do do 
This is how we do 
This is how we do yeah, chilling, laid back 
Straight stunting ya we do it like that 
This is how we do, do do do do 
This is how we do 

This one goes out to ladies, 
at breakfast, in last night's dress 
Uh-huh, I see you 
Yo, this goes out to all you kids 
that still have their cars 
at the club valet and it's Tuesday 
Yo, shout out to all you kids, 
buying bottle service, with your rent money! 

This is how we do, yeah, chilling, laid back 
Straight stunting ya we do it like that 
This is how we do, do do do do 
This is how we do 
This is how we do yeah, chilling, laid back 
Straight stunting ya we do it like that 
This is how we do, do do do do 
This is how we do 

(This is how we do) 
This goes out to all you people going bed 
with a ten and waking up with a two 
(This is how we do) 
Ha, not me 

This is how we do, yeah, chilling, laid back 
Straight stunting ya we do it like that 
This is how we do, do do do do 
This is how we do 
This is how we do yeah, chilling, laid back 
Straight stunting ya we do it like that 
This is how we do, do do do do 
This is how we do ... 

What? Wait. No, no, no, no 
Bring the beat back 
That's right
La letra de la canción This Is How We Do - Katy Perry es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Katy Perry.
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