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This Is My Life - Edward Maya

Letra de la canción This Is My Life - Edward Maya, con su video oficial para escuchar en línea, la canción This Is My Life interpretada por Edward Maya esta publicada en la categoria Edward Maya donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.

Edward Maya interpreta uno de los temas que más suenan, si te emociona la buena música y te gusta saber la letra de tus canciones favoritas no te pierdas la letra de This Is My Life , no dejaras de escucharla.

Video de This Is My Life - Edward Maya

Dragon Y Caballero

Letra de This Is My Life - Edward Maya

I'm dreaming, i'm dreaming out loud
I'm searching the missing part of my heart
Uuuuu uuuu uuuu,you catch me every time i fall
When i look into your eyes
I just know you tell me lies

This, this is my life i'm looking for you searching love in your eyes
This, this my life i'm chasing a dream that fade away in the night

Can you get to my soul,
I'll make you lose the control,
I'll be your sun in the night

Just come here inside
I'm playing with you
I'm falling for you
When i look into your eyes
I just know you tell me lies

This,this is my life i'm looking for you searching love in your eyes
This, this my life i'm chasing a dream that fade away in the night

I can't follow dreams forever
Just to see them fall apart
We can change the world if we are together
Cuz i know i won't let it go
When i look into your eyes
I just know you tell me lies

This,this is my life i'm looking for you searching love in your eyes
This, this my life i'm chasing a dream that fade away in the night
I start to miss your smile, your voice is all i hear
I'm chasing hollow eyes, show me i'm wrong tonight
This, this is my life i'm looking for you searching love in your eyes
This, this my life i'm chasing a dream that fade away in the night

La letra de la canción This Is My Life - Edward Maya es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Edward Maya.

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