This Moment - Katy Perry

This Moment - Katy Perry
Katy Perry

This Moment

Letra de la canción This Moment - Katy Perry, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción This Moment esta publicada en la categoria Katy Perry donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
This Moment - Katy Perry
Letra de This Moment - Katy Perry
Can you tell me, who called the race? 
Can anyone stay in one place? 
And when you get to the finish line 
Will you wish for more time? 
I say one day 
One day you will 
But maybe one day you will find 
That you just can't push rewind 

All we have is this moment 
Tomorrow's unspoken 
Yesterday is history 
So why don't you be here with me? 
All we have is this moment 
To put our love into motion 
Yesterday is history 
So why don't you be here with me? 
Be here with me now 

Do you ever think that, we're just chasing our tails? 
Like life is one big fast treadmill 
And we pop what is prescribed 
If it gets us first prize 
But you know who I, who I think will win 
Are the ones that love loving 
Are the ones that take the time 

All we have is this moment 
Tomorrow's unspoken 
Yesterday is history 
So why don't you be here with me? 
All we have is this moment 
To put our love into motion 
Yesterday is history 
So why don't you be here with me? 
Be here with me now 

Be here with me now 
Cause our future is right now, right in front on you 
Don't let the clock, the clock tell you what to do 
Our future is right now, I'm in front of you 
Baby don't blink and miss 

All we have is this moment 
Tomorrow's unspoken 
Yesterday is history 
So why don't you be here with me? 
All we have is this moment 
To put our love into motion 
Yesterday is history 
So why don't you be here with me? 
Be here with me now
La letra de la canción This Moment - Katy Perry es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Katy Perry.
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