U Know It Ain't Love - PitBull

U Know It Ain't Love - PitBull

U Know It Ain't Love

Letra de la canción U Know It Ain't Love - PitBull, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción U Know It Ain't Love esta publicada en la categoria PitBull donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Letra de U Know It Ain't Love - PitBull
Love to hate me, I love that you hate me greatly, I appreciate the love

If you want me now, celebrate the love that we have inside
Like a full moon bright, right here into my arms
Every day I feel like I can live or die, if you realize
When you walk right out my life, I don’t wanna lose the fire
But I can’t seem to forget you, even though we’re threw

You know it ain’t love, whoooh oh oh
Why am I lost without your touch
You know it ain’t love, whoooh oh oh
Cause this feeling is too much
You know it ain’t love

Uh, yeah, mami raps right
So I pulled out my dick and told her to, speak into the mic
You love me, you hate me, to those that love to hate me
I love that you hate me greatly, I appreciate your love
You can throw me in a bendable chair

You know it ain’t love, you know it ain’t love
Cause when you open up inside
I can’t keep you from my eyes
You know it ain’t love

I’ve been politically incorrect since the day I was born
That’s why ’til the day that I die it’s on, I’ma fight for the cause
When the pit bites, you know what happens to the jaw
Fuck around and it might be your, big L, big pun, BIG

Why are you so bad, this means a heart that burns the fire, can make us higher
You just make me feel sad, this was the best thing I could ever have, that’s the word you said
I was wrong I did not tell you, when I needed you, set me free, why me
But I can’t seem to stop dreaming with all these demons

You know it ain’t love, whoooh oh oh
Why am I lost without your touch
You know it ain’t love, whoooh oh oh
'Cause this feeling is too much
You know it ain’t, know it ain’t, know it ain't, know it ain't, know it ain't
Know it, know it, know it, know it, know it, know it
You know it ain’t love

Chances are one in a million, I hear you died in a plane crash
So I guess that makes em one in a million, may you rest in peace
But that's your job, destiny is somethin’ that you just can’t choose
If you’re destined to die, it’s just your time, live with me, you don’t think that

You know it ain’t love, no baby, you know it ain’t love
'Cause when you open up inside, I can’t keep you from my eyes
You know it ain’t love, yeah, you know it ain’t love
Said, you know it ain’t love, baby
Don’t tell me, when you know, when you know
You know it ain’t love
La letra de la canción U Know It Ain't Love - PitBull es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista PitBull.
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